Monday, February 15, 2016

Northern Lights

Our adventure to go see the Northern Lights began with us getting LOTS of warm clothes on. Temperatures with the wind were to make it just below freezing outside. In the end we where plenty warm. The bus trip picked up many people, over 50 I believe.

When we got to the spot we where lucky that the clouds coming in from a new storm had not yet covered the sky. As soon as I stepped out of the bus and my eyes adjusted I could start to make out the faint green line in the sky. I quickly got my camera and tripod setup and was able to snap a couple good pics and then play around with trying to get us in the picture (harder than it sounds, you have to be super still or it turns a bit blurry). After about 20 minutes or so the clouds rolled in and blocked our view, but we got to experience it none the less!

A little animated pic to show it growing in intensity...

And the the "read more" link after this one to see more!

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